Fortuna Düsseldorf Kick Off Festival
27. julij 2017
We'd been waiting so long for this day to come! Fortuna Düsseldorf, with whom we've recently extended our partnership as premium partner, celebrated the kick off to the 17/18 season of the second division in Germany with a family-festival, followed by a friendly match and a fan-party in the evening. All of the above took place in Fortuna's home: Düsseldorf Flingern Broich.
Toyo Tires, as new and proudful sleeve-sponsor, joined the event ofcourse with our huge event-truck. Besides the many prize competitions, we offered activities such as face painting and a photo-booth to the fans who joined the festival.
Our activities were enjoyed by fans of all age groups and it was a pleasure for us to be given an opportunity to have face to face contact to the fans. The familiar atmosphere at the event made it to a special day for all the attendees.
Together with the fans, Toyo Tires is looking forward to the coming season of our partner and wishing all the best for the opening game of the season on the Saturday of 31.07 against Eintracht Braunschweig.
People are in Good Mood at the Toyo Tires-Booth | Fans Competing for a Fortuna Jersey |
Facepainting for Future Fortuna Players | Justin and Emre at our Photo Booth |
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