Partnership with Panathinaikos Basketball Club
14. september 2017
Toyo Tires sponsor top Athens Basketball Team.
September 2017, Toyo Tires announces they have entered into a contract to sponsor Panathinaikos B.C. for the next two seasons. (2017/2018 and 2018/2019). With 36 Greek League Championships, 17 Greek Cup victories and 6 Euroleague Championships, Panathinaikos B.C. is the most successful basketball team across Europe. Panathinaikos high perfomance and dynamic attitude fits perfectly into Toyo Tires roster of Sport and Athletic Partnerships.
Christopolous Aristeidis, commercial manager, joins head coach Xavi to make the announcement | Mr Tournikitis, owner of official Toyo Tires importer, Tenora, greets the coach |
The launch was made to a packed Oaka stadium press room. In attendance were senior management from Tenora Engineering, official importers of Toyo Tires to Greece. Panathinaikos BC Commercial manager, Chrisopolous Aristeidis opened the press conference while Xavi Pascual, head coach had the closing words. Players too were on hand to talk to the press.
All Panathinaikos training kit will feature the Toyo Tires logo as well as their playing shorts | Xavi Pascual speaks to the assembled press |
Commenting on the new sponsorship, Mike Rignall, Marketing Manager Europe, said, ""Panathinaikos BC are a perfect match for Toyo Tires. Despite their impressive performances last season, they do not rest. Like Toyo Tires, they are constantly striving for greater success."
Toyo Tires are proud new sponsors of Panathinaikos BC, sharing their values and looking forward to a long and successful partnership.
History of Panathinaikos B.C.
Panathinaikos B.C. was founded in 1919. It was the first Basketball-Team in greece and had the vision of a greek league. But it took three years until the first Basketball game were played. The first game in greece were held at the Panathinaic Stadium against YMAC of Thessaloniki. Since then Panathinaikos B.C. is set in the first league of greece, although the first greek championship was hold in 1927/ 1928. Of course, Panathinaikos BC won the first greek championship. And since than a lot more Teams joined the national greek league, so that the vision of a greek league of Panathinaikos BC came true.
With this background and it’s power, Panathinaikos is the most successful Sport-Club in Greece and Toyo Tires is proud and excited to become a part of it. To announce this new relationship Toyo Tires and Panathinaikos organised a Press-Conference in Athen, which was also broadcasted on the greek television. Please find the clip here:
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